Life Philosophy

1. His Holiness Mokshatit was born on March 30, 1987 AD in the lap of the holy Mahabharata mountain range (Aham Brahmatit; 2020, p. 17).
2. This is his last birth.
3. There are an interesting and long series of stories about his birth. Which includes mother’s selection, construction, arrangement of fathers, their marriage, conception, entry into womb and pregnancy, birth, childhood etc.(Mokshatit; 2018, p. 10).

Mother’s Arrangement
1. His Holiness Mokshatit’s mother was sent to get birth on Wednesday, March 20, 1968, in Devbhumi area.
2. The mother was sent, but the creation of a womb which could able to save His Holiness Mokshatit was another challenge. Otherwise, the death of both of them at birth would have been almost certain. Both mother and son had to be remaining safe.
3. Therefore, before his mother’s menstruation, when his mother was about fourteen years old, her womb was specially prepared by holy Devi in the nearby vast forest cave during her cowhearding duty in shiny daylight (Aham Brahmatit; 2020, p. 18)
4. The Goddess took about six hours to take her to a nearby cave to help his mother become special.
5. The tiger never attack his mother even though it met her many times in her life later.
6. After the menstruation of the mother, now time came to search the father.
7. Lord Mokshatit had come already from Govalvas to enter the womb, but when he calculates the situation and the future, he was remained in a state of confusion. Because both potential fathers arranged already were unsuitable for His Holiness’s development after birth and to achieve salvation.

Father Found

1. In 1984, while searching for a suitable father, His Holiness Mokshatit suddenly found himself trapped in a place where he was traveling as light, and now it was difficult for him to get out from there.

2. Illuminated from the open sky to the south, he could no longer move forward because dead bodies were being cremated that day in the graves of all three directions ahead, on hill tops, at the same time.

3. Huge plumes of smoke were in all three directions. So he had to stay there until smoke gone. 4. It was not possible to return back South, the same direction from where he entered there.

5. Yes, on such condition, for the first time that Lord Mokshatit has seen a handsome young man, who became his father, ahead. Who was absolutely young. Virgin.

6. The search for the father of Lord Mokshatit is now over there.

7. Instantly, he met his father, through whom he is now to be born.

8. The geography in which he would have born was the same geography where he gets suitable family, condition, climate, environment, friendliness, friends, relatives, brothers etc. Who will play a role helping in every way to complete the incomplete journey of his previous body’s duality experience of since 820 AD.

9. And it was a very desolate and pure geography. No any faults. Perfect one. 10. Exactly what His Holiness Mokshatit wanted.

11. As a result, father and mother got married and on Thursday, June 5, 1986, Lord Mokshatit finally entered the womb.

12. Thus a long journey came to the rest.

13. He got the body. Suitable. Pure.

Mother’s Three Dreams

1. While there in the womb, the mother of Lord Mokshatit had three dreams at different times, all significant.

2. One – a white man, old, pale face, but with a white beard, long arms and legs, tall, emaciated, with a glowing face, dressed in a white robe, hanging like a bat and bowing towards the sky talked to Mokshatit’s mother- “touch your stomach!” Mother touched. And for the first time, the mother realized His Holiness Mokshatit In her womb and the monk, who were hanging like bad, flew away, saying -‘from now on, rest a little better, and take great care of him Devi.’ In fact, that saintly form was none other than his own former body.

3. Another Dream – just below the poplar tree on the east side of the house, in a shady place, a large spring of cristal water burst. That water was a special kind, cristal, holy and clean. There, His Holiness Mokshatit’s mother saw a magnificent artistic stone fountain with a crocodile-like shape. Shesh Naga came and guarded it’s mouth. As she was scared to see the crocodile king and king snake, a special snake worship ceromany was held at home, the next day.

4. The Third Dream – while fetching water in the morning from the east side tab of the house, the mother saw a strange light coming from under the ground below the poplar tree. While digging with a stick, a large shiny priceless diamond-like object was found. The light of which removed all the darkness, became like lightning all around in sudden. On the morning of the full moon, mother was very scared and hurriedly buried it there. Now everything remained same as before. She returned home with strange experience.


1. Thus, on Monday, March 30, 1987 AD, at 9:51 AM, His Holiness Mokshatit was born. In Revati constellation. Which is the last constellation, came for salvation. Revati constellation is therefore considered as a special constellation. Being born in this constellation is for salvation in sure. The last one, now no need to come again.

2. His Holiness Mokshatit was born but blue, immovable, cold. Almost like dead. Mother cried a lot thinking that he was born dead. The reason for this is that when Lord Mokshatit’s previous body was released, it was released in a cold tomb, the effect it had now on this body. Samadhi is exactly the state of death. Suddenly when Lord Mokshatit took a deep breath five minutes later, the atmosphere in the family finally changed.

3. Meanwhile, the mother of Lord Mokshatit suffered for three days. Almost like dead. Due to which her health was affected in the long run. Very weak. Now His Holiness Mokshatit refused to take mother’s milk for a long time. Because it was the effect of his own fasting when previous body was released as spiritual figure in India (Aham Brahmatit; 2020).

Naming Ceremony

1. Chandra Prasad was named on the 11th day and a few days later His Holiness Mokshatit was taken to his mother’s birth house where his mother was chosen before for his birth, physically, taking a lot of time and with enough preparation as well as arrangements. Now His Mokshatit was arrived there in the same geography according to his own wish.

2. Later, during the feeding, His Holiness Mokshatit was fed non-vegetarian food forcefully by family. He disobeyed. Due to which His Holiness Mokshatit became ill badly and very seriously. There he began to cry (weep) all days and night. Then whatever he ate, his body could not digest at all. But who understands that? What he preached in his previous body, all the opposite of what he had preached was happening there with him now. His former body had passed away without eating meat and flesh of other, whole vegetarian. Even in the Himalayas.

3. Now the situation was contrary to his rule not killing or consuming meat. There he cried a lot and expressed his true nature but no one understood him. That was extremely painful. That is why Lord Mokshatit was reached on the verge of death without eating further. When he was taken for treatment at medical center in the age of three, his mother put down him in Bhimsen’s statue pouring water on his mouth, thinking that he has died and is no longer alive.

Body Is Not Self

1. Lord Mokshatit felt his body separated from soul when he was seven years old as first and strange experience while he was for his duty of saving maize of field from the monkey gangs. It was raining in the early morning. Green everywhere. A fire was burning nearby for to threat monkey gangs. The smoke was flying high in the sky. The atmosphere was calm. The chirping of birds. At the top of the hill he was meditating. Below is a vast depth field. In the groove, very low. If you fall from there, you go straight down, no any chance of survival. Below is a pebbled bank surrounded by upside-down mountains. Echo comes back crashing down what you speak from there. Spotted dry landslide was there with a deep hole just under him where he was meditating that morning as usel (Aham Brahmatit; 2020).

2. On the east side up, the green cattle land enlarged upto the house and maize field below home on the north side with small walking road, on the south side down stony dry valley and on the other side large Mahabharat mountain range, it is up to Phulchoki.

3. He was observing these scenes from there in between meditation. It was his favorite place to be alone. The womens who used to go to the grass used to go down from aside walking road, but today no one gone. It is also a place where people rest as shepherds. He himself used to bring the cattle down and sit there and watch. Because that was the point from where most of the activity could be observed, from there everything are visible everywhere. Early morning he had reached there today. There was no one else.

4. He was given responsibility that day for protecting the maize from the monkey gangs. He was staring at the water flowing down from the river towards the south-west, little boy, of seven years just. A sitting bed was made from pineleafs. He was sitting there happily, meditating on top. Suddenly, he slipped off and fell down towards lower valley.

5. Firstly, he was so excited that he grabbed a piece of weak root with his bare hands. But it was uprooted and he reached down including roots. While falling in sudden his hand reached for a grass to catch, now hanging on the too slopy hill about twenty meters below. The dust and sands that has been peeled off by himself has made him invisible, both the eyes. When he started speaking, all his mouths got stuck. His nose and mouth was covered with mud and dust. Now slowly his hand melted. Grass’s began to pulled out.The legs are hanging down. There is no place to stand and go.

6. Both slippers fell one after the other. When trying to land on a rocky outcrop, the slippers were reached straight down to a depth of about 100 meters. He shouted there and shouted. Cried. Father ! Mummy !… He called everyone. But no one came.

7. Instead, he would have heard his own voice when it crashed into a rock. Tried to grasp grass bush and kept it hold on, small pebbles and lumps of clay would reach the bottom. After about ten minutes of relentless hanging, all the energy gone, he lost. Both hands were melted.

8. Grass had cut his arm. There was a bruise on his leg when trying to move around for survival. On such condition every body parts almost died for now. The head came heavy. The blood came like pouring out. He stopped seeing now and fainted. Ah !

9. When he came conscious he was at the place where the pipeline was dug, three hundred meters below, under blue sky.There were scratches on the feet and body. The mouth was dry with sand. There was dust full in his eyes too.

10. He tried to move his body around but with pain couldn’t. He tried to get up there. But could not. He sat down slowly. Could not looked up. Few moment later he noticed that the smoke was floating in the sky at the top from where he was dropped before.

11. Yes, at that time, while hanging on grass for ten minutes and trying to find support and land nearby, but failed to do so, exactly at that point of time he felt separated from his body. For the first time. During the struggle, he feels his body was separated, one by one. Every limb was disintegrating, in that ten minutes. Until he fainted. Until his hands were released from Babio grass (Aham Brahmatit; 2020).

Self Realization

1. Lord Mokshatit’s self realization was happen on Monday, May 5, 1997 AD in the vast forest area of Marin-Kokhajor riverbank of Sindhuli in the Mahabharata mountain range, far away from His Holiness Mokshatit’s home, while studying in class five, in his nine years of age, with a long complicated journey of night and day, with thirst and three days of hunger. The whole body was exhausted. Then he saw the fruits and offerings offered by the people in the temple and ate that by sudden. It happened in the middle of the sunny day, while the sun was warming up. There he experienced his body was not remained with him more. It was but was not, whole body was became like light cotton.

2. While crossing the river, repeatedly, his body was completely soaked. There were several broken carts found on his feet, from constantly soaked with water, which looked like white, a dead man’s feet. All that was left there was blood. The limbs, body and eyes were almost paralyzed while walking continue. Days and nights. And there the temple was found, suddenly in front. Where food was found. The gloomy warm Sun was found while lying on the grass.

3. Cool air, cristal river was in front. Clear water, huge forest all around. Deer, peacocks, birdsong, butterfly and complete solitude. Suddenly his body broke all contacts with him (Aham Brahmatit; 2020).

Darkness before Self Realization

1. The years between this event of his self realization at Mahabharat hilly range and after his birth was passed in utter darkness. Unconsciously in extreme bondage, of the society he received, of the sacrament, of rituals, of the family, of kinship, of education etc. However, there was no peace inside he feels. It used to burn. From within, there was uneasiness. There was immense pain.

2. Time was running out. When he was 21 days old, his mother took him to his mother’s house where he stayed for about three months. This was the custom there. When he was 7-8 months old, he was sick for a long time. Almost about for three years.

3. His father took him to a boarding school near his home when he was reached around three years old. Herbs and drug treatment made it possible to walk him. The school was started by his father’s friends. First of that type in that area. Later it did not run well and stopped. A, B, C, D … His Holiness Mokshatit started and learned there for the first time as his formal education (Aham Brahmatit; 2020).

Formal Education

1. Before enrolling class one in the age of four, he had learned to look after the forest, slopes, rivers, woods, trees and everything available around the house. Neighbors, brothers and sisters of the village, fireplaces, cowsheds, orchards and fruit trees. Allmost all. It was a strange place that he had chosen for his last birth. Geographically. Naturally.

2. It was a kind of ‘wildlife resort’. Everything is available right there. Completely natural. Where it doesn’t matter if you have no contact with anyone outside for years. Rivers, streams, cows, buffaloes, cattle, goats, birds, rabbits, forests, grass fields, firewood, water streams. Oh!

3. You don’t have to go to the market to buy anything except fertilizer and sugar, match and salt. Rich everyone. More left to sell. Enough slopes, hills were available everywhere. Only nature and nature, available (Aham Brahmatit; 2020).

Family and Death Experience

1. His Holiness Mokshatit was born in a united family, with more than thirty people. The first death was his grandmother’s mother. That didn’t bother him much. Then the grandfather’s mother died in the family. There, the lovely star kid of the house was riding on the oxen, sometimes holding the yoke, sometimes holding the ears, and flirting with them one after other in the obstructed place. The bull would give head to the other side with more joy. Old grandma noticed this activity from near and told to him -“I want to take bath with water,” she smiled and put a five liter gallon in front of him. What does he need ! He ran and took another five liter gallon in both hands and walked away, saying- “I am going to carry two gallons”. He ran bare feet with great enthusiasm. He had to go downhill walking for five minutes to get water. The walking road was rough. He went, filled both gallens with water and carried out making palms full red. Finally he brought successfully two gallons of water home.

2. Arriving at the corner of the house, what did he saw in front was his grandmother, lying down on the ground. She was almost unconscious. The oxen were crying nearby. Knocking legs on the floor. What should he do now was not sure ? He looked around shaking his head. There are still gallons of water for bathing. In the air His Holiness Mokshatit approached and called out in her ear thinking that maybe she is in sleep. Ah ! There was no response. Then he went inside the house. There were no one available. Today was a grass cutting day at home. Everyone were busy in grassland, a little far away, next hill from the house. He called the family members, but he did not able to speak. He tried to call but ah! the bid was not coming.

3. Then he ran to the neighborhood. And he tried to tell about this with another grandfather there. But it just came upto the throat. Then he signaled with his hand that something bad had happened with him. Then the neighbor’s grandfather came behind him running and picked up the old lady in arm from the ground.

4. Her head was lamed back. He put the freshly brought water from gallon in her mouth with his hands. But the old grandmother did not swallow. Lord Mokshatit then started crying, saying- ‘Grandmother please get up! Please get up!’ Fourteen days later she had passed away.

5. Everyone now started crying full with tears in the house of Lord Mokshatit. Except His Holiness Mokshatit. Now there was a state of exhaustion. What to do ahead! What happened ! No any idea that Mokshatit had found. While shaking his head, an idea suddenly came up. ‘Don’t remain like this anymore, cry now!’ Then he himself started crying by following others did, watching how others cry. But there were no tears came in his eyes, Ah ! Never came. No matter how much he was crying … And a solution came in sudden. Spitting and crying, putting it below the eyes (Aham Brahmatit; 2020).

Social Suppression and Revolt

1. During the death rites, the first suppression, fear and prohibition of the society was experienced by Lord Mokshatit. This was unbearable to him. First of all, he was not allowed to go to funeral because they said he was a child. Secondly, he was not allowed to touch the dead body, which he used to wish. The third was fear that elders have threatened of about ghosts. “Where is she?” After burning the body when people returned back home, he had asked this question. When he asked that, he was told- “she went to heaven” and pretended that she was in home. The exact truth was not told. As a result, the search for that little quest began.

2. His mind did not agree with their fabricated answers. The uneasiness increased more in him. Inside out. It’s about in five years of age. After that incident, he started to go at nearby graves for search in the years that followed. Before entering the school he used to visit at grave and after school too used to reach at grave. When people brought dead bodies for final rituals with a long white blanket robe by making funeral sound, he used to reach at graves in fast. An easy thing for him was that there was a crematorium near the school, and other was on the way back to the home, there was another crematorium far in west too.

3. How do people die? Now that His Holiness Mokshatit started to quest. In more- why body is not saved? Why people die? Where does it go after death? etc. He had to see and know everything such. He had to know at all. He had to understand. In this way, for many times, several days, sometimes even late in the evening, he used to sit there, cutting the rounds and circles on the graves and cutting the coals there, leaving the stumps behind. He used to get up in the middle of the night and went to see the ghost in the tomb too. ‘Why are you late today?’ He was always silent when asked such by his parents. Slowly he calmed down because the answer was not received. No answer was found at all. In the tomb there was only the stump and the black coal ashes he found. There was no any meaning he found on doing so further. Neither ghosts were found nor were heaven seen. Instead, he began to feel sad inside. What are all these stuffs for! He dazzeled just without any way and clue (Aham Brahmatit; 2020).


1. Lord Mokshatit did not like formal academic study at all. He had no interest on academic activities. Instead he was happy to go to the nearby stream to fetch water at school. But It is sad for him to make study. When school over, the grave or any solitary places were his only concerned places to reach. There he used to remain in peace. This process continued till he was studying in class five.

2. The forest under the house, the branches of the pine tree, the hills and the rivers, climbing the poplar tree in the east of the house (because it was said that climbing a poplar is a sin, but he had to see what that sin would be like, even he climbed it too). He used to clim another tree, standing next to the poplar as that was the most beloved place for him to stay alone. There, he used to chew corn and soybeans carrying full in his armpits. Sometimes he used to sleep there. In meditative mood. Alone. Silent. And calm.

3. He used to spend his childhood learning social activities that were available, such as going to the shepherd, cutting grass, collecting firewood, washing clothes, cooking in the ashes, beating rice, eating, renting fruits etc. But his appetite was different from inside. There was another reality knocking inside.

4. There was a mismatch between the ideals taught to him in the book and the behavior of the people around him. Non-violence used to taught, but there was a lot of violence even at home. The society and it’s structure was almost opposite. They taught him not to steal but everyone stole other’s trees, grass and fruits. Daughter in law used to steal paddy, maize and wheat and used to sell them in the market.

5. Many things were the exact opposite of what was taught in the book. And he didn’t want to study any more. He used to go to school there, to study but without interest. Just to show up. After this, Lord Mokshatit stopped believing what his teacher said. Because all those teachers always found opposite of the book. They used to smoke. They used to drink alcohol. They were lazy but teach students not to do such. At that time, he began to think – ‘this world is not like reading in a book. It’s different.’ And he also started to check, society and people. Slowly, one by one. In this process, he deliberately made many upheavals. How do hypocrites react? to see that too. To know, to check. What is his society exactly like? He had to see that. He did not saw society on the path of truth which was taught him in the books (Aham Brahmatit; 2020).


1. He continued to use one after the other experiment in his childhood. Touching the pulse of the society. Even in a story where the sentence ‘don’t set fire to your own house’ is seen in the book he did experiment ‘what is it like to set fire to your own house?’ He had even seen that by doing self experiment by setting fire to his own house.

2. He tored the pages of the exact book with same lines under his own bed, then lit a fire, and put them on the mentioned book sheets while coming back from school very early. In the month of dry season. Without doing so, he was not remained in calm. The wind was blowing hard when the fire was started. Then fire broke out. He closed both the windows and doors of the room. Now the fire started burning the bed, completely. The room was filled with smoke. Later, while his mother was dragging him away in a rage, a little away from the house, he woke up. Earlier, he was suffocated and collapsed there in the room with heavy smoke. When his mother saw the smoke coming from the house, she ran from the filed while she was working there. And expressed all here anger on him.

3. He never believed on what had written or mentioned in a book like this. It should have been tested. What happens if you do that? He had to check such by himself. He had to see it himself in any cost (Aham Brahmatit; 2020).


1. God, who was worshiped by his mother, Mokshatit didn’t like at all. Instead, he would kick and scatter them. He never worshiped any deity. Because he always wishes to experiment how does sin feel like? What happens when it occurs? How is it looking like? He had to know. Instead, he used to be beaten a lot from his mother for such behavior. But there digest such punishment at all, with gentle smile.

2. Once a buffalo died in his house. The father and mother were shocked, but he was happy for the first time, because he would get the opportunity to see death up close. How it died – screaming scattered. Cry In pain. The mother had given water for the last time. It died in about three days. He could see all the activities without missing a single moment.

3. She was sick. But she never recovered. After her death, everything calmed down. Pain, chatter; all. Now pain doesn’t work. Not remained like yesterday. That was the first complete death he saw in front. Direct to experience. The next day, many people gathered and took it in basket cutting body in different parts. Seeing that, Lord Mokshatit was devastated for the whole day. He came sick there for a long time due to that. Seeing the chaos inside the body. For the first time vomiting whole day and night (Aham Brahmatit; 2020).


1. After that incident, Lord Mokshatit used to make free the goats, cows, animals, etc. that were tied up in the house. He liked to run away the goats that would get sacrifice for tomorrow. He used to sleep thinking the same thing whole night even.

2. One day, after fitting a light holder in the house, the mechanic threatened not to touch it. He didn’t accept that. He was more curious now. Why not? Even after watching for two or four hours, curiosity didn’t go. Why not to touch? And the only thing he did was he put his finger in the holder’s hole, ah! He was thrown from head to toe, reaching the door of the room. At that time, he was dripping with urine, all wet below. He couldn’t get up. After long time he woke hard, touching his red ear. Now his eyes remained invisible for few hours (Aham Brahmatit; 2020).

Self Realization Repeated Twice

1. Even after the first glimpse of self realization in the Mahabharata mountain range, that sequence happened to him twice. In the last few years in separate places. But both were around his house. Once, when he was in 7th grade, at his favorite place in the east of the house at a tree branch. There he was in a state of meditation after climbing tree and making meditation posture. While meditating there, no one could see from the path below and the surroundings due to thick branches. There suddenly he rolled down to the ground. All of a sudden his own body was found down. His soul remained upstairs, on tree branches, watching everything. Body was laid down on the ground. What has happened nothing known to him now. It was 3:00 p.m. His body was lying on the ground. Down In the grass.

2. Without any fuss. The eyes were closed. But soul was watching it from the tree above. No one came until about 6:00 p.m. Then his own cow returned home after grazing through same place. She came closer, kissed him and went to the pool and drank water. Coming again, she sniffed the body of Lord Mokshatit that was there without any move since 3:00 PM. She drags her foots on the ground. Cry loud. She shouted twice and trembled around in a loud voice. She sniffed again and cried in grief with tears full in eyes.

3. Then slowly she started licking his feet. First on the legs and on the head and forehead. When the rough wet tongue touched his forehead and in-between his eyebrows His Holiness Mokshatit woke up suddenly. His soul was no longer there as before on tree branches. It came to the body in second. The cow sat there stunned. She was very happy. Shaking her head to his lap with huge and now shouted aloud.

4. After a while, God Mokshatit went home with the cow. Playing and flirting. At that time, his body was like cotton. Like flying light leaf. When he move one feet he lift three feet ahead. The same thing happened again while studying in 9th class, later.

5. It was a Saturday. At the end of the house, a pile of pine leafs was piled up at the base of a large pine tree. It was his favorite place. He used to stay at the top of that tall pine tree. A small flat place to stay there was already built on branches for meditation. When it rains, it can be wet so roof was also arranged for protection. From where you could see all around. Useful for chasing monkeys with making effective firce noise. The strip was set just above the forest. Lord Mokshatit had arrived at 6:00 am that day. There he reached at the top of the tree. Looked around. The weather was amazing. Of joy. There was no sign of monkey gang, attacking to the maize field. There was no movement of them found today. There is full peace now.

6. Now he is sitting there in meditation as usual. After a while, all of a sudden, his body falls. He was watching it. Body reaches to the bottom of the tree smashing its branches and leafs. Fortunately, there was a thick pile of dead leafs collected below. Nothing had happened to his body. The body was slightly carved. Just.

7. His soul was on top of the tree. Watching everything. The body is on bottom of the tree, down. At the base of the tree. Unconscious. Above dead leaf’s heap. There is no one around. Later, at around 10:00 A.M. he saw his neighbor sister coming from the jungle with carrying grass. She called him from far away by his name. But His Holiness Mokshatit could not speak. He tried but unable.

8. And neighbor sister came near putting a heavy load of grass aside. ‘What happened? Why are you sleeping here like this?’ She said. But again he hadn’t been able to speak there yet. At the same time, body remained unmoved. It looked like throwing hands and feet approached towards sky.

9. She slowly touched his hand and tried to open his eyes. “Oh! You’re unconscious,” she said, touching his forehead. That’s when in sudden he woke up. ‘Why are you sleeping here like this?

Get up and let go home’, sister said. He finally got up. He sat down slowly. Looked around. Everything was normal.

10. He smiled and looked at the top of the tree and the sky. And went home together with neighbor sister. Apart from these, other experiences did not happen to him as long as he stayed at that geography and land (Aham Brahmatit; 2020).


1. Swatokan Karate Dojo was started towards the end of class five. His father was known to the Master. Both Lord Mokshatit and his brother admitted. In the early morning and evening, they would have to run to the school grounds, in white gown with robe. Then, he had to return home being exhausted. Very tired from the various art and tricks that would be used even to tear his legs apart. Afternoon school, morning and evening karate. Other time to do housework. That process lasted for two years. Almost until the black belt been achieved (Aham Brahmatit; 2020).

2. On the other hand, he finished his class five without studying seriously. He was neither happy nor sad. Then the secondary level had to go to a school a little farther away. The atmosphere was even not better there. There were friends from distant places. He often sat on the last bench. It’s easy to get out from a broken window in back, if you don’t like to read. And be alone, in the forest.

3. Teachers were same type there too. The books were the same. The society was the same. No match anywhere with teaching. People used to kill buffaloes in the way to school, barbarously. Barbarian male buffalo, who had been stabbed in the neck with a huge sword, would run down to the road dripping blood. People carrying sword would run after them. It all went on regularly. He was very upset.

4. The questions that came up in his mind all the way home from school are- who was I ? Where did you come from? Where do I go? Why should I be here? Why do this work? Why go to the same house again and again? Why to be born from the same parents? Why to sit around with these people only? Where did all these people come from? What is this body that human carrying? Why is that? Why should everything be different? …

5. There were countless questions in head. One after another. The answer was found nowhere. No one taught him too. Did not answer yet by anybody. At a young age, there were more such questions, even in lower classes, inside there in mind. He was not getting any answer (Aham Brahmatit; 2020).

Adolescence and Politics

1. Bhagwan Mokshatit became the president of CWIN Nepal in 7th class in the school. And then the president of student union. Before, of the school committee and after, of the area committee leading dozen of schools.

2. The committee was formed by Ram Sharan Bajagai (now the Prime Minister’s media expert) with membership, at that time. They raised good donations for the district conference held in Panauti.

3. And also gave those collected fund to the district committee. He wanted to be the treasurer or secretary in the district committee. But he was deceived in closed session. And he left politics, in class nine. Politics then never pulled him back (Aham Brahmatit; 2020).


1. He was not interested in studies at all. He used to participate in attendance prayers, essay writing etc. because there you can visit a new place. PT he used to run himself at school. Even in exams, he was not serious and never wrote well. He used to say ‘I don’t have a calculator’ without writing the proper mathematical solution, leaving the calculator at home. He found mathematics absolutely absurd. Useless.

2. He never listened to the teachers. They showed as many fears as possible. There is an incident in the high school where all the teachers have been locked inside the office room in his leadership. There was a reason for that. He was never afraid of anyone. He used to play football and volleyball at school including other activities.

3. Meanwhile, the Maoist conflict was escalating. Guerrillas were seen all the way to school from time to time. Sanjivani School in Dhulikhel was set for the SLC examination. He had to participate in the exam, in front of the police carrying guns in the exam hall. His result came out but marking it withheld. Because he was not old enough according to the rule. The age must be increased to be pass and study further. He did the same.

4. Then he found this system even more fake. Need to fake your own real age? That too officially? The truth was called untrue. And the true date of birth of 2043-12-16 B.S. was changed in to the false truth of 2043-11-28 B.S. And finally he was passed, doing accordingly. Now he was able to study further. But he was not happy at all.

5. Untruth was recognized and even verified as truth in front of him. In his own case. The untruth was proved and accepted. Was made legal. Which he had to carry for the rest of his life. The burden of untruth. This was done by the country. This was done by the system. That’s when he started neglecting his studies because there he found no truth in it at all (Aham Brahmatit; 2020).


1. Inside, His Holiness Mokshatit was dragging by consciousness. Nothing known of what had happened about the previous three experiences? The curiosities were intense. Which had no context as well as no one were there to clarify him. He was stocked just there. As like someone somewhere lost. He was not getting any clue even. His condition was different from inside. It was pitch dark outside.

2. Soon after SLC, Pashupati was the place His Holiness started going there. He used to stay there for hours. Visiting every corner, left nowhere. Even enrolled in a college nearby so that he can go there regularly for formal education further. Study was just a reason for him, but target was to go and visit there. He used to show college to the parents at home but his full residence was Pashupatinath. He never went to the temple there. He did not even worshipped.11th and 12th classes were passed like this.

3. He became friends with many yogis. Ghori and aghori all. One of them had taken him straight to Benaras from the corner of Pashupatinath. There are many other such stories of secrets available he has experienced during his stay there (Aham Brahmatit; 2020).


1. In this way, Lord Mokshatit did his graduation regular. Now his perimeter extended from Pashupati. Swayambhu, Bouddha, Kalmochan, Pachali, Patan, Bhaktapur. Bagmati, Bishnumati. Dakshinkali. Shivpuri, Chandragiri. Jamacho. Lele, Phulchoki, Nagarkot, Sakhu, Chagunarayan. The Forests.The Mountains. Streets. Nights. Days. He did not paid much attention to his studies and earnings.

2. Inside, he felt terrible because that the achievement was not happening yet. It was hollow inside. Every day he felt that he was doing what he was not supposed to do. He feels he was doing superficial matters of the dirty world. Blank. Inside that what exactly was scatterbrained. He was already in twenty years of age. But he was living there, rendering here and there, very blindly in chaos. The experience was not happening as same as before, that what he expect. There was intense pain. There was no peace.

3. He had many dreams. Like of war, about gathering disciples, about selling goods to the King etc. In dreams he used to reach places that he never saw before. In dream he used to encounter with an unique peoples, court where he has become a king. The queens and sexual affairs with them, the dense forests, fierce war etc.

4. He was wasting his nights on such stuff. Instead of going to sleep, he started walking there all night. Because at last those nightmares may gone. Instead, he used to sleep during the day. A fierce fire was burning inside. In the meantime he read thousands of books. By reaching almost all the available libraries in Kathmandu. About spirituality, meditation, astrology, art, science… all. But he was not satisfied. He didn’t understood what exactly has happened to him. He felt somewhere something was incomplete. He had to search, he had to know, he had to understand and to make fulfilled, to make complete, to make perfect. That’s all he knew.

5. There were no truth in the book he found. They were all empty, just with mere words. Useless at all. And he enjoyed being alone. Alone, within self, he feels joy. Everything was ruined outside. There was chaos. He realized that he didn’t need all that stuffs (Aham Brahmatit; 2020).

Back Bencher

1. His Holiness Mokshatit preferred to sit back in the classroom, in school and college both. It continued the same later, in life and in society too. He never came forward. According to him, the real face of society could be seen from behind. Not from the front. What is shown in front is projection only. In fact, reality is possible to see only from behind.

2. While studying in the primary classes of the school, even in worship ceremony and weddings and celebrations his choice was always to stay in back. Where he always saw fights, quarrels, ego, arrogance, anger etc. There was no society at all like what was shown on the shrine, fire ceremony, gathering, wedding pavilion, stage, dash, screen etc. Society was not so good. There was not much happiness inside. Which could be seen clear from sitting in the back.


3. Even people quarreled for properties who have returned empty-handed from cemetery could only be seen sitting behind. They fight for their mother’s jewelry. When people come to meet they look very happy, they pretend it. He saw a strange society when he looked from the back.

He used to stay behind letting others to go first, because everything is visible from behind. For him to be behind is to be first. To sit behind is to sit in front. He used to say – “what do you do being first? What do you get in advance? People those who have gone first, where have been they reached? Then why to bother?” Yes, that is the realization, the reason, sitting there in back.


1. His Holiness Mokshatit began to thought that he should sit in solitude for long and meditate and need to began inner journey. Such voice was getting louder and louder, each day. While studying in his bachelor’s and master’s degree, he used to sleep there in college even in class. In the morning, on the desk bench. This was because due to his jogging all night. The back bench was his favorite.

2. The same content were teaches over and again in the classroom. Which was useless, he believed. He had already seen thousands of such useless books and information in various libraries. On the other hand, college was always hungry for fees. How the money to be raised was at its center.

3. All the other formalities in college were dramas, went on like that. Lord Mokshatit had already understood this. So he was there, very quietly. Teachers used to come and work. Even they were too sad, in their own pain. There was nothing especial on study but a formality had gone.

Pashupati Enough

1. Pashupati was no longer remained as he thought. Dirty politics entered there, and everything gone ruined. When guerrillas entered in the city, thousands bulls he had seen were gradually disappeared. Later other things also disappeared. The true seeker of salvation walked away. And gradually the whole Pashupati area was filled with hungry, foodless, defeated, depressed, addicted, tamasi people. Pashupati was becoming an arena to wash away the sins of the corrupt, criminals, murderers, robbers, etc. and to calm their mind. Garbage and pollution increased. From the sacred and holy area, Pashupatinath was transformed into an industry. And it was happening very fast. After Swami Dr. Prapannacharya passed away, Pashupati became more and more hell.

2. And Lord Mokshatit stopped going Pashupati, because that was useless. Pashupati’s diseases were spread everywhere later. Bouddha, Swyambhu, Patan, Bhaktapur, Changu etc. Even in all big temples. Where certain seeker either became corrupt and walked away or did not stay more. All holy temples available of the Kathmandu Valley were turned into a hollow hell. The soul there available before was ruined. Core soul was not left furthermore. And this condition later moved out of the valley as well, even in district to district, village to village. There was a lot of noise outside, inside it was full hollow. There remained no depth more (Aham Brahmatit; 2020).

Solitary Practice

1. With all the preparation, a long-term unknown sadhana began now by His Holiness Mokshatit, no fix of any period, on the bank of holy Bagmati River by writing a formal letter to Maharjan of Kirtipur, Chairman of Jalbinayak community forest consumer committee, pledging his citizenship. With promise that guide can come to the cave and see him at any time as they wish. In case if he died inside the cave during long stay there, they already made agreement signed with his fingerprint on the letter of responsibility (Aham Brahmatit; 2020).


1. It was Wednesday, December 26, 2007 AD when His Holiness Mokshatit realized Moksha. On the bank of the holy Bagmati river. He had been sitting there 170 feet below the Bagmati surface for a long time. During the first week he went toilet twice and twenty-seven times for urine. Two weeks later, it also stopped. He used to drink water from a nearby pool in dark cool cave. Now this order was also broken in about four weeks. Then his five labors became both concentrated. Calmed down. Toilet and urine both. It was the most troublesome matters. It took him about four weeks for this.

2. After that, blood circulation gradually became concentrated there and it calmed down. Mass labor then became concentrated and calmed down. Nervous system labor then became concentrated and calmed down. Respiratory labor then became concentrated and calmed down. All the working, genital labor became concentrated and calmed down. Mind labor then became concentrated and calmed down. All three minds, all three bodies calmed down at once.

3. Ah! At that moment, with huge explosion nearby part of the cave collapsed. The soul came out and the body was left alone there. Inside the cave, depth below the holy river.

4. Now the whole past was clear. Bright and crystal. Everything. All the curiosity was gone. Birth-death cycle. All were known, direct. The past, the present and the future were known. That was a special journey. Which was now over. Right there.

5. Now the last beginning of about thirteen hundred years ago also was known. And before that, a huge travel chain of tens of millions of years revealed, as far as Shankara, all connected. One- on-one. No one were different. All together. All in all. All are their own. Integral. Inseparable. A series. This expansion lasted for another seven years. Even after the Mokshatit of Tuesday, February 18, 2014, enough and fullfilled by Moksha achievement, in the Langtang area. On the other hand, the unconscious body was still there, in the same cave, in remote solitude, in deep dark cool buttom (Aham Brahmatit; 2020).

Search for Cool

1. His Holiness Mokshatit’s body then went to live in a cave, just above the pond next to a huge poplar tree in the corner of Chalnakhel. Then returned back in society with a formal program set at Maitighar Mandala, a metaphoric one, making chita for Lokayat, the reason was given meaningfully. Because Lokayat understood just so. They do not understand the depth. And so it happened. The first formal announcement, reported by the media.

2. The condition of his body was now become bad. Because it came out from the volcano. His body was yet to endure the big bang. Therefore, suitable cool geography was necessary for his body. Otherwise, his body would have been destroyed any day. Immediately after January 1, 2008 he went to remain at the top of the holy Bagmati River at Shundarijal for another one month. In the middle of a thick forest near Sundarimai temple and forest area. Up and down towards the dam side. Calm. Alone. And immediately he went to Dolakha, in the lap of Gaurishankar himalaya range, adding out a small role.

3. The geography, climate, nature, herbs, soil etc. were suitable. His body survived. Sustained. About two years later, his body returned to normal. Then he came back to Kathmandu. With some small role again. And the journey to those lands where former bodies he had spent before were revisited, respectively (Aham Brahmatit; 2020).

Mokshatit: Fulfilled & Enough with Moksha

1. After returning back from the geography of many previous lives spent, in 2014 AD His Holiness Mokshatit went to the cool holy Gosainkunda, where Lord Shiva believed to had drowned out to kill his pain after swallowing Kal Kut Bisha. He remained there until the Mokshatit realization of February 18, 2014 AD and more. He stayed there enjoying many crystal lakes, in the lap of the beautiful and serene Langtang Himalayas. In this way, from ‘Aham Brahmasmi Tatvamasi’ to ‘Aham Brahmatit’, was achieved there, for the first time in existence. The highest consciousness (Aham Brahmatit; 2020).


1. Lord Mokshatit started Dharma Deshana in 2009 AD from Gaurishankar Himalayan region, formally. Long after self realization of 1997 AD. The form of preeching of his knowledge during his stay there seems to be both formal and informal. Including all available languages, signs, scripts; written and oral.

2. Knowledge seems to be transferred through the processes of education, initiation, asceticism, etc. Including special sadhana method, making students and sannyasis. Including the use of available resources from science and technology. He seems to have used a lot of powerful methods and tools (Aham Brahmatit; 2020).

Previous Birth

1. This is the last birth of His Holiness Mokshatit. Prior to this, he has played various special roles in the former bodies in different geographies and at different time periods. Answering a question asked to him, he replied something very serious about his previous-birth:

2. “Question: It is mentioned that one of your former bodies came from western India to the Himalayan region. Did you come to Nepal at that time or not?

3. Answer: Ah! Not from Western India. It was from South India, through Vishishta-Shivnam. The hospitality was overwhelming here, so lived long in Kathmandu. The body had been set safe in North India, for a special purpose, in the Himalayas. Still it is safe there; at that time, after spending 32 springs.

4. Exactly as like Govinda Guru had said. And I am continue in my journey up to these days since 820 AD, including Purushartha Chatushtya bodies for Advaita.”

– His Holiness Mokshatit / 2014 AD

5. Thus, in the history of consciousness, it took him so long to rise from ‘Aham Brahmasmi Tatvamasi’ to ‘Aham Brahmatit’. Including Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha; Purushartha Chatushtya’s long journey. In different bodies. In different periods and geographies. For the first time in the history of existence.

6. It’s like blinking eyes. Only where ‘Brahma Satyam Jaganmithya, Jivo Brahmaiv Na Para:’ has been uplifted. Advaita is now direct (Aham Brahmatit; 2020, p. 53).


  • Mokshatit Darshan Publicity Center. (2020). His Holiness Mokshatit: life, philosophy and teachings. Moksha Society. ISBN: 978-9937-0-7408-7
  • Mokshatit (2018). Mokshatit Darshan International. ISBN: 978-9937-0-5360-0
  • Aham Brahmatit: (2020). Moksha Society. ISBN: 978-9937-0-7383-7