1st January
Moksha Society
ISBN: 978-9937-1-3311-1
  ¸  
/     
 
 . /- ()
   ()
 
 societymoksha@gmail.com
ISBN: 978-9937-1-3311-1
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  
 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
 ()  (Most Polluter Country Ranking)………………………………………………………..-
    ()  (Polluter of World)……………………………………………-
         () …………………………..-
 ()   
  (Most Polluter embassies of Nepal)………………
  ()  (Most Polluter Persons )……………………………………………………-
  ()  (Most Polluter Leaders)…………………………………………………………
  ()   (Most Polluter Political Parties )…………………………….-
  () ……………………………………………………………………………………………-
  ()  (Most Polluter Artists)…………………………………………………..-
 ()  …………………………………………………………………………………………………………-
 () ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….-
 ()   (Business and Industries of Nepal)…………………………………………
  () ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
   ()  (Most Polluter Imports)…………………………………………………
   ()  (Most Polluter Cities )……………………………………………………….-
Article, Polluter Index (PI): Concept and Construct…………………………………………………………………..-
   ……………………………………………………………………………………………………-
 '  (Polluter Index) -  '       
           ,  
             
 :-
.   (Service Polluters)
.     (Product Polluters)
.     (Individual & Institutional Polluters)
       '  (Polluter Index)' 
    ,        
      ''       
  '   '       
   (   )          
             
            
      
           
            
 
-  ,  
2. Polluter Index (PI) - 2022, Moksha Society ISBN: 978-9937-1-3311-1
  (Polluter Index) -  
.  ()  (Most Polluter Country Ranking)
    (Moksha Society)        
(Polluter Index)            (Nepal)  
      ,            Faroe Isl-
ands               
    :-
1. China
2. United States of America (USA)
3. India
4. Russia
5. Japan
6. Iran
7. Germany
8. South Korea
9. Saudi Arabia
10. Indonesia
12. Brazil
13. South Africa
14. Mexico
15. Turkey
16. Australia
17. Vietnam
18. United Kingdom
19. Vatican City
20. San Marino
21. Italy
22. Poland
23. Taiwan
24. Monaco
25. France
26. Egypt
3. Polluter Index (PI) - 2022, Moksha Society ISBN: 978-9937-1-3311-1
27. Kazakhstan
28. Malaysia
29. Thailand
30. Pakistan
31. Andorra
32. Spain
33. United Arab Emirates
34. Iraq
35. Ukraine
36. Argentina
37. Algeria
38. Netherlands
39. Philippines
40. Nigeria
41. Bangladesh
42. Qatar
43. Czech Republic
44. Uzbekistan
45. Colombia
46. Kuwait
47. Venezuela
48. Oman
49. Chile
50. Turkmenistan
51. Montenegro
52. Serbia
53. Romania
54. Morocco
55. Austria
56. Israel
57. Belarus
58. Greece
59. Singapore
60. Libya
61. Hungary
62. Peru
63. Sweden
64. Norway
65. Laos
66. Finland
67. Portugal
68. Mongolia
4. Polluter Index (PI) - 2022, Moksha Society ISBN: 978-9937-1-3311-1
69. Bulgaria
70. Myanmar
71. Bahrain
72. Liechtenstein
73. Switzerland
74. Azerbaijan
75. Ecuador
76. New Zealand
77. Ireland
78. Hong Kong
79. North Korea
80. Slovakia
81. Trinidad And Tobago
82. Dominican Republic
83. Tunisia
84. Lebanon
85. Jordan
86. Denmark
87. Syria
88. Sri Lanka
89. Bosnia And Herzegovina
90. Cuba
91. Angola
92. Bolivia
93. South Sudan
94. Sudan
95. Guatemala
96. Nepal
97. Croatia
98. Ethiopia
99. Ghana
100. Kenya
101. Cambodia
102. Estonia
103. Slovenia
104. Lithuania
105. Ivory Coast
106. Afghanistan
107. Zimbabwe
108. Tanzania
109. Kyrgyzstan
110. Honduras
5. Polluter Index (PI) - 2022, Moksha Society ISBN: 978-9937-1-3311-1
111. Georgia
112. Yemen
113. Senegal
114. Mozambique
115. Cameroon
116. Panama
117. Moldova
118. Luxembourg
119. Brunei
120. Jamaica
121. Paraguay
122. Costa Rica
123. North Macedonia
124. Zambia
125. Latvia
126. Benin
127. New Caledonia
128. Papua New Guinea
129. Botswana
130. El Salvador
131. Cyprus
132. Republic of the Congo
133. Gabon
134. Uruguay
135. Armenia
136. Uganda
137. Albania
138. Nicaragua
139. Equatorial Guinea
140. Madagascar
141. Namibia
142. Puerto Rico
143. Mauritius
144. Mali
145. Burkina Faso
146. DR Congo
147. Iceland
148. Haiti
149. Togo
150. Guinea
151. Curacao
152. Mauritania
6. Polluter Index (PI) - 2022, Moksha Society ISBN: 978-9937-1-3311-1
153. Reunion
154. Fiji
155. Macau
156. Niger
157. Bahamas
158. Martinique
159. Maldives
160. Suriname
161. Guadeloupe
162. Malta
163. Guyana
164. Bhutan
165. Eswatini
166. Malawi
167. Liberia
168. Palau
169. Seychelles
170. Barbados
171. Sierra Leone
172. Rwanda
173. French Polynesia
174. Djibouti
175. Chad
176. Cape Verde
177. Somalia
178. Aruba
179. Eritrea
180. Gibraltar
181. Lesotho
182. Gambia
183. Bermuda
184. Greenland
185. Antigua And Barbuda
186. French Guiana
187. Cayman Islands
188. Belize 189. Samoa
190. Central African Republic
191. Solomon Islands
192. Saint Lucia
193. Guinea Bissau
194. Burundi
195. Comoros
7. Polluter Index (PI) - 2022, Moksha Society ISBN: 978-9937-1-3311-1
196. Turks And Caicos Islands
197. Western Sahara
198. Grenada
199. Vanuatu
200. Dominica
201. British Virgin Islands
202. Saint Kitts And Nevis
203. Tonga
204. Saint Vincent And the Grenadines
205. Cook Islands
206. Kiribati
207. Saint Pierre And Miquelon
208. Falkland Islands
209. Anguilla
210. Faroe Islands
.     ()  (Polluter of World)
      ()       
             
         ()    :-
1. Facebook Inc
2. Google International
3. Microsoft Corp
4. Alphabet Inc
5. Samsung Corp
6. IBM Research
7. Apple Inc
8. Toyota Group
9. LG Corporation
10. Huawei Technologies Co Ltd
11. F Hoffmann-La Roche 12. Mitsubishi Corp
13. Gilead Sciences
14. Baidu Inc
15. AstraZeneca
16. Intel Corp
17. Nokia Corp
18. Novartis
19. Qualcomm Inc
20. NEC Corp
8. Polluter Index (PI) - 2022, Moksha Society ISBN: 978-9937-1-3311-1
21. Ericsson
22. Biogen Idec
23. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
24. Hewlett Packard
25. Mitsubishi Electric Corp
26. Novo Nordisk
27. Panasonic Corp
28. Johnson & Johnson
29. Merck
30. Robert Bosch
31. Janssen MUL Company
32. GlaxoSmithKline
33. Alcatel-Lucent MUL Company
34. Siemens
35. Pfizer
36. Sanofi
37. Sony Corp
38. Amgen
39. Takeda Pharmaceuticals International
40. Alibaba Group
41. Toshiba Corp
.          () 
             
              
     
  (Moksha Society)           ()
             
              
()    :-
.  , 
.  ,  
.  ,  
. , 
.  -,  
. ,  
9. Polluter Index (PI) - 2022, Moksha Society ISBN: 978-9937-1-3311-1
. ,  
.  ,  
.  ,  
. ,  
.  ,  
.  ,  
.  ,  
.  ,  
. ,  
.  ()   
  (Most Polluter embassies of Nepal)
  (Moksha Society)     ()  
 
              
              ()
  
    :-
1. US Embassy Maharajgunj Kathmandu
2. United Nations (UN)- Pulchowk Lalitpur
3. European Union (EU)
4. Indian Embassy, Lainchaur, Kathmandu
5. Chinese Embassy, Balauatar, Kathmandu
6. Russian Embassy
7. French Embassy
8. Swiss Embassy
9. Pakistan Embassy
10. Bangladesh Embassy
11. Norwegian Embassy
12. Australian Embassy
13. Finland Embassy
14. Saudi Arab Embassy
15. SAARC Central Office
10. Polluter Index (PI) - 2022, Moksha Society ISBN: 978-9937-1-3311-1
.   ()  (Most Polluter Persons )
  (Moksha Society)     ()    
            
            ()   :-
. 
. 
. 
. 
.   
.  , 
. ,     ,  ,  ,  ,
  , 
. ,     /
.       
.   ,  
.  
.   
.   , ,    ,  , 
 
.    ,    ,   , 
 ,  
,  
.   ,     ,    ,  
,  ,   ,  ,   
. ,  ,   ,    (  ), 
       
. ,  ,    ,    
  
.     ,  ()
.   , , ,  ,   
,  (),  ()
.    ,      
11. Polluter Index (PI) - 2022, Moksha Society ISBN: 978-9937-1-3311-1
.  ,   ,    ,   
 
. ,   ,    ,     
.   , ,    
.  ,  ,   ,      
. ,   ,    ,     ,
 ()
.  ,    ,    
. ,  ,   ,     
.  
.   ()  (Most Polluter Leaders)
  (Moksha Society)     ()      
           
           ()    :-
.   
.    
.   
.  
 
.  
.  
.  
.  
.  
.  
.   ()   (Most Polluter Political Parties )
  (Moksha Society)     ()    
             
            ()  
  :-
12. Polluter Index (PI) - 2022, Moksha Society ISBN: 978-9937-1-3311-1
.  
.  
.    (  )
.   
.    ( )
.    ( )
.    (-- )
.    () 
.    ()
.   
.  
.    
.    
.    ()
.    ()
.   
.   
.   
.    
.   , 
.    
.     
.    
.     
.   
.   
.   
.   
.   
.   
.    
.   
.    ()
13. Polluter Index (PI) - 2022, Moksha Society ISBN: 978-9937-1-3311-1
.     
.    
.     
.      
.    
.    
.    
.  
.    
.   , 
.    
.    
.   ( )
.    
.   
.    
.   
.   
.    
.   
.     
.   
.   
.   
.    ()
.   
.  
.   ()
.   
.     
.    
.   
.    
14. Polluter Index (PI) - 2022, Moksha Society ISBN: 978-9937-1-3311-1
.   
.   
.    
.   
.   
.   
.    
.    
.   
.   
.   
.     
.     
.    
.    
.    
.   
.    
.    
.   
.    
.  
.    
.  
.   
.   
.   
.  
.   
.    
.     
.    
.    
15. Polluter Index (PI) - 2022, Moksha Society ISBN: 978-9937-1-3311-1
.     ()
.    
.   
.    
.   , 
.     
.  
.   
.  , 
.   
.  
.   
.    
.   
.   () 
  (Moksha Society)     ()    
            
           ()   :-
 
  
  
   
   
   
  
16. Polluter Index (PI) - 2022, Moksha Society ISBN: 978-9937-1-3311-1
 
  
  
 
 
  
  
  
  
  
  
 
  
.   ()  (Most Polluter Artists)
  (Moksha Society)     ()    
            
           ()    :-
.  
.   
.  
.  
.  
.  
.  
.  
.  
.  
.   
.  
.  
17. Polluter Index (PI) - 2022, Moksha Society ISBN: 978-9937-1-3311-1
.  
.  
 
 
 
.  
.  
. 
.  
.  
.  
.  
. 
.  
.  
.  
.    
.   
.  
.  
.  
.  
.  () 
  (Moksha Society)      ()    
            
              
 ()    :-
1. 
2. 
3. 
4.  
5.  
18. Polluter Index (PI) - 2022, Moksha Society ISBN: 978-9937-1-3311-1
6. 
7. 
8.  HD
9.  
10. Galexy HD
11. Prime TV
12. TV Today
13.  
14.  
.  () 
 (Moksha Society)     ()   
             
            ()  
 :-
1. Teaching Hospital
2. Bir Hospital
3. Patan Hospital
4. Nepal Medcity Hospital
5. Norvic Hospital
6. Grandie Hospital
7. Nepal Medical College
8. KMC Hospital
9. Dhulikhel Hospital
10. Chitwan Medial College
11. Bharatpur Cancer Hospital
12. Nepalgunj Medical College
13. BMC Hospital
14. B & B Hospital
15. BP Koirala Hospital
16. Vayoda Hospital
17. Nepal Army Hospital
18. Nepal Police Hospital
19. Gangalal Hospital
20. Tilganga Eye Hospital
21. Star Hospital
22. Kist Hospital
23. Alka Hospital
24. Sumeru Hospital
19. Polluter Index (PI) - 2022, Moksha Society ISBN: 978-9937-1-3311-1
25. Manamohan Hospital
26. Om Hospital
27. Prasuti Griha
28. Teku Hospital
29. Bhaktapur Hospital
30. Janakpur Hospital
.  ()   (Business and Industries of Nepal)
  (Moksha Society)     ()    
             
               ()
      :-
1. Chaudhary Group
2. Dugar Family
3. Golchha Organization
4. Khetan Group
5. Jyoti Group
6. Kedia Organization
7. Laxmi Group
8. Bhat-Bhateni Group
9. Chachan Group
10. Golyan Group
11. ICTC Group
12. IME Group
13. KC Group
14. Keyal Group
15. Mahato Group of Industries
16. MS Group
17. Muktishree Group
18. NE Group
19. Nimbus Holdings
20. Panchakanya Group
21. Prabhu Group
22. Saakha Group
23. Sanima Group
24. Shanker Group
25. Sharda Group
26. Siddhartha Rana Group
27. Triveni Group
28. Universal Group
29. Vishal Group
30. Vaidya Organization of Industries and Trading Houses (VOITH)
20. Polluter Index (PI) - 2022, Moksha Society ISBN: 978-9937-1-3311-1
.   () 
  (Moksha Society)     ()      
           
           ()    :-
1. Soltee Hotel
2. Taragaun Regency Haayat
3. Yak and Yeti Hotel
4. Shankar Hotel
5. Dwarika Hotel
6. Hotal Himalaya
7. Godavari Village Resort
8. Park Village Resort
9. Everest Hotel
10. Sangrila Hotel
.    ()  (Most Polluter Imports)
  (Moksha Society)     ()      
           
            ()    :-
1. Mineral fuels including oil: US$1.2 billion (15.3% of total imports)
2. Iron, steel: $863.8 million (10.7%)
3. Electrical machinery, equipment: $685.5 million (8.5%)
4. Machinery including computers: $637.2 million (7.9%)
5. Cereals: $534.5 million (6.7%)
6. Vehicles: $473.7 million (5.9%)
7. Plastics, plastic articles: $272.8 million (3.4%)
8. Vegetables: $221 million (2.8%)
9. Pharmaceuticals: $213.3 million (2.7%)
10. Optical, technical, medical apparatus: $140.7 million (1.8%)
21. Polluter Index (PI) - 2022, Moksha Society ISBN: 978-9937-1-3311-1
.    ()  (Most Polluter Cities )
  (Moksha Society)     ()      
            
            ()    :-
1. Kathmandu
2. Pokhara
3. Lalitpur
4. Biratnagar
5. Birganj
6. Dharan
7. Bharatpur
8. Janakpur
9. Dhangadhi
10. Butwal
11. Mahendranagar
12. Nepalgunj
13. Hetauda
14. Bhaktapur
15. Triyuga
16. Itahari
17. Inaruwa
18. Siddharthanagar
19. Gulariya
20. Panauti
21. Tikapur
22. Kirtipur
23. Tulsipur
24. Rajbiraj
25. Lahan
26. Birendranagar
27. Kamalamai
28. Gaur
29. Siraha
30. Tansen
31. Jaleshwar
32. Dipayal
33. Baglung
34. Khadbari
35. Dhankuta
22. Polluter Index (PI) - 2022, Moksha Society ISBN: 978-9937-1-3311-1
36. Walin
37. Dailekh
38. Malangawa
39. Bhadrapur
40. Dadeldhura
41. Darchula
42. Ilam
43. Banepa
44. Dhulikhel
45. kankrabari
46. Jumla
47. Besisahar
48. Bhojpur
49. Chainpur
50. Namche Bazar
Mr. Ananta Aryal, Chairman, Moksha Society
Cell : +9779851213078
ABSTRACT: This research paper introduces as well as briefly elaborates the concept and construct of the
polluter index (pi) in contemporary complex postmodern world for justice on victims by polluters
worldwide. Polluter and affected those two sides come together in responsible way for justice where
compensation is the key here for the victims. And Polluter Index (PI) is means for them to justify their
KEY WORDS: Polluter Index, PI, Concept, Construct, Pollution, Degree of Pollution, Polluter, Victims,
The concept of Polluter Index (PI) was derived from a holy movement "fine to the polluter, com-
pensation to the affected" by His Holiness Mokshatit since 2014 AD in Nepal. It follows UN charter's pro-
visions signed and agreed by all nations for environment. Moreover, this index respects all nation's con-
stitutional provisions as well as laws regarding environment and its protection.
To implements the concept of "fine to the polluter, compensation to the affected", two dimen-
sion of the practical actions has been proposed:-
[I]. Fine to the polluter [II]. Compensation to the affected.
23. Polluter Index (PI) - 2022, Moksha Society ISBN: 978-9937-1-3311-1
Practically, to fine/penalty the polluter is very difficult task. But there are various historical evi-
dences already available in this direction as guidance. Before indexing let us know polluters first.
A. Polluters: Who are polluters ? It is another difficulty to identify, but not impossible too. Polluters are
hazards available everywhere surrounding us. We can easily classify them:-
[i]. Individual polluters. [ii]. Institutional polluters.
I. Individual Polluters
Persons (King, Queen, President, Prime Ministers, Ministers, Business Tycoons, Celebrity, Scientists, In-
dividual Civilains etc.)
II. Institutional Polluters:-
a. Product poluters
- Multinational Companies (MNC) - National companies (NC) - Local Companies (LC)
b. Service polluters
- Multinational Companies (MNC) - National companies (NC) - Local Companies (LC)
c. Other polluters
- Family - Community - Society - City - Movements - Functions - Riots etc.
B. Fine/penalty
Now another difficulty is to fine the polluter. For this too, we have so many evidences appllied
already by various communities through their laws as our guide. This is our base approach for fine-
1. Higher pollution higher fine, higher damage higher compensations.
2. Lower pollution lower fine, lower damage lower compensations.
3. No pollution no fine, no damage no compensations.
C. Fine Collection
To monitor, determine and collect fine/penalty practically as well as fruitfully, an autonomous
and unbiased body from the community is required. This body must be formed from democratic way
and system in form and structure.
Compensation distribution structure is another challenge but not such impossible even. Com-
pensation claim is key base for it. On the basis of claim compensation distribution is better to be done.
24. Polluter Index (PI) - 2022, Moksha Society ISBN: 978-9937-1-3311-1
After fine collection from polluter, according to their crime size, it is must to distribute those
collections according to the damage done to the affected. It is very serious task. The degree of damage
is key to determine and distribute compensation to the affected.
a. Structure: Compensation to affected structure should be better like this-
1. Individual. 2. Institutional. 3. Communal.
b . Form : Form of the compensation is better to be distributed likewise-
1. In cash. 2. Other (Health responsibility, damage responsibility etc.). 3. Pollution insurance.
c. Polluter Index (PI) implication: For this responsible bodies and moves are to be formed like these:-
- Clean Armies and movements - Local clubs, networks
- Mr. Clean, Mrs. Clean, Clean human being/institution competition, world's clean being/institution
competition etc.
- Mr. Dirty, Mrs. Dirty, Dirty human being/institution declaration, World's dirty being/institution decla-
ration etc.
- National monitoring board etc.
Polluter Index (PI) depends on dimensions and degree of the pollution, polluter and their damages. It
basically depends on affected's mood and decision. Affected can construct their own local index va-
riables too. Affected are always superior to determine their own index according to the damage they
feel on them by polluters.
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Aryal A (2015) Fine Delhi. Kathmandu, Nepal, ISBN: 978-9937-0-0013-0.
Aryal A (2016) It’s time to fine Kathmandu now (Kaathmaandaulaai aba harjaanaa lagaaunu
parchha). Jana Aasthaa National weekly 22(36), November 30.
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Journal of Environmental & Analytical Toxicology 08.10.4172/2161-0525-C1-012.
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New Delhi.
25. Polluter Index (PI) - 2022, Moksha Society ISBN: 978-9937-1-3311-1
   
26. Polluter Index (PI) - 2022, Moksha Society ISBN: 978-9937-1-3311-1
27. Polluter Index (PI) - 2022, Moksha Society ISBN: 978-9937-1-3311-1
28. Polluter Index (PI) - 2022, Moksha Society ISBN: 978-9937-1-3311-1
29. Polluter Index (PI) - 2022, Moksha Society ISBN: 978-9937-1-3311-1